Ready for your next challenge in detection?

You and your detection dog are not just a team, you're a partnership. But like any great partnership, building trust and understanding takes time, practice, and the right guidance.

My ACT! Odor Recognition Test (ORT) course is specially designed to help you master the art of double-blind detection comfortably and confidently. We've crafted a curriculum that tests your skills and fosters a deep, trusting relationship between you and your dog. Say goodbye to stress with our uniquely engaging, practical exercises. As you train, you'll discover a new level of mutual trust, increasing efficiency and effectiveness in your detection work.

As a handler, knowing your dog's abilities inside out is crucial. This course will give you the tools to assess your dog's skills accurately and prepare both of you for the real challenges ahead.

Together, you and your canine companion will rise to new heights, growing stronger and more confident with each challenge. This course is more than just a training module; it's your pathway to becoming a top-notch detection team.

The Odor Recognition Test Course

    1. Why Introduce a Line-Up System in Detection Dog Training?

    2. Double blind proofing makes you stronger

    3. What sort of ORT and why do we need it?

    4. Where to start?

    5. How to solve problems?

    6. Test your knowledge why the ORT is so important

    1. Sessions and trials

    2. Collecting data

    3. How to use and analyze data?

    4. Specific ORT data collection

    5. ACT! ORT data notebooks

    6. Scan your targets

    7. Test your DATA knowledge

    1. Why do we need a bridge signal?

    2. What is a bridge signal?

    3. Primary and secondary reinforcers

    4. How do we use our bridge signals?

    5. Conditioning a bridge

    6. Conditioning a bridge

    7. Test your bridge knowledge

    1. Definitions in the detection world

    2. The definition of double blind

    3. Working 'clean'?

    4. Reinforcing close to the target odor / source

    5. What is a 'target' odor

    6. Do you dare to send your dog for a double blind while you are alone?

    7. Test your knowledge about definitions

    1. What is a Odor Delivery Device?

    2. Conditioning Odor Delivery Device (ODD)

    3. How to mark ODDs?

    4. ODDs with Human Scent and Gloves

    5. Cleaning ODDs

    6. NO ODD's in the operational world

    7. Test your ODD knowledge

About this course

  • €149,95
  • 124 lessons
  • 12 videos
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